Thursday, April 24, 2014

LeetCode: Merge k Sorted Lists

Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity.


The key of this problem is to analyze its complexity. Suppose the average number of nodes in all list is n

Solution1: Loop over the heads of all list and find the smallest one and add it to the final list. The worst case is O(k*kn), because you have to compare k times to get a smallest node and there are kn nodes in total.

Solution2: first merge all lists one by one as follows. The worst case is O(kn) because you only need to compare once to get a valid node for the final list.

Solution3: Use a Priority Queue. About the complexity of building a priority queue with an array, a linked list, a BST, or a Heap, please see The worst case is O(kn*logk). Here in the code notice that after you pop out a node node from the priority queue, you push node->next into the PQ; Therefore, the maximum number of nodes in the PQ is k and the insertion and deletion is both in O(logk).

Heap (minHeap):
For the insert operation, we start by adding a value to the end of the array (constant time, assuming the array doesn't have to be expanded); then we swap values up the tree until the order property has been restored. In the worst case, we follow a path all the way from a leaf to the root (i.e., the work we do is proportional to the height of the tree). Because a heap is a balanced binary tree, the height of the tree is O(log N), where N is the number of values stored in the tree. The removeMin operation is similar: in the worst case, we follow a path down the tree from the root to a leaf. Again, the worst-case time is O(log N).

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